Comments on: The Writing Stack: Zotero -> Scrivener -> ODT -> Docx -> Markdown -> HTML A Repository for Information About Underground Factory Dispersal Projects of World War II Sun, 20 Aug 2017 07:30:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ian Andolina Sun, 20 Aug 2017 07:30:49 +0000 Hm, wouldn’t it be much easier to export to MultiMarkDown, then use Pandoc and pandoc-citeproc to do the rest automatically. I use the wonderful pandocomatic (available on github), which allows you to set up multiple styles (collections of pandoc settings and metadata). You use a front-matter document in Scrivener to specify which templates to run. You compile to a folder with an autorun script that simply runs pandocomatic and it does the rest.

Scrivener 3 is apparently going to offer much better support for Pandoc and some cool tweaks to transforming styling to markdown, so this workflow is going to get even better in the near future!
